…KGZ Graphics!! (Yeah, “Matt Graphics” sounds better, but that’s just not going to work…. Unless he changes his name.)
Summer. Vacations. Last minute decisions. You know the drill. All of a sudden, it’s a week before the event and you NEED t-shirts. That happened to us – Abbey Road Donuts – before our big debut at the H Street festival in DC. It was September 14st, a week before the festival, and we were still figuring out logistics – not how to make us “look pretty.”

making people “donut happy”
I searched online for the usual suspects – for the top-of-mind names that offer good deals on quality shirts, plus a bunch of others I had never heard of. They were either a) outrageously expensive, or b) outrageously expensive and still couldn’t get it to us within a week. That’s when I panicked. Yes, we could put stickers on our t-shirts and that would generate some comments and attention, but not the right kind.
Desperate, I called Matt at KGZ Graphics. “Can you get me 20 t-shirts, different sizes, 4-color print, front and back within a week?” He said he didn’t know, but would get back to me. Short time later he called back with an answer. “If you can send me the artwork and specifics today, I can do it. It’s going to cost about X.” His “X” was still cheaper than anything online, and I know he’s a person that will deliver if he says he can. Or do somersaults trying.

Artwork sent, colors chosen (and re-chosen. Why can’t women have natural shade as well?? Who knows?).
T-shirts were ready the day before the festival, and we were stars. Sold 500 donuts, and someone even bought one of our extra t-shirts! Yeah – we were stylin’ thanks to Matt and his awesome team at KGZ Graphics. Thanks, Matt.
And oh yeah – he got some good doughnuts, too.